About me

My name
Ilya Borisov
How to contact me
klaster1@gmail.com (preferred option), https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilya-borisov-ba6855234/
Positions I'm open for
Frontend developer
Technologies I have production experience with
Angular.js, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, NgRX, RxJS, SASS, Node.js, Jasmine, TestCafe, Karma, WebPack, AgGrid, Chart.js, Angular Material, web sockets, STOMP, Apache Cordova, TeamCity, Jenkins
Other technologies I'm open working with
Angular, React, Vue, TypeScript; modern frontend tools in general
Russian (native), English (quite fluent)
Currently I reside in
Republic of Cyprus
Open for relocation
Yes. I have no active visas.
Higher education
Some, no diploma though
My strong sides
Attention to details, autonomity, up to date knowledge, open to learning new things, don't hesitate to give feedback and open to receive it, transparent about my work


GridGain (2017 till now) - Frontend developer

GridGain Nebula

GridGain SaaS, allows to provision, manage and monitor GridGain and Apache Ignite clusters.


Apache Ignite Control Center

A previous generation of Apache Ignite and GridGain monitoring and management solution, superseded by GridGain nebula.


Saritasa (2013-2017) - Frontend developer

A small consulting shop with offices in USA, Russsia and Vietnam. I learned a lot here.

